Business Tips from a Biblical Worldview 
Starting a Business
Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain. (Psalms 127:1 NIV)

What is the biblical basis for business?

This is a vexing question for most of us since we typically think of the Bible as a book about spiritual matters. Some business people look to the Bible for inspiration or guidance on ethical decisions, but few seem to consider the Bible as relevant beyond this. Therefore we don’t typically go to the Bible for wisdom on business matters, such as starting a business.

But if the God revealed in the Bible created the universe—all the universe—then he created business and defined how business is to be conducted. The clearest revelation from God about his creation is found in the Bible, which is his revelation to his earthly rulers (i.e., mankind) about how he wants his universe to be managed. Therefore the Bible must be relevant to all areas of life, including business. This means that the Bible is the handbook for all of life and therefore is the handbook for business.

As the handbook for business, the Bible provides the requisite philosophy, values, and principles for success. The starting point for any business and every business issue should be Scripture.

Consider the question of starting a business. What does the Bible say about this? In James 4:13–17, we are directed to construct business plans based on seeking the will of God, not the will of man. This means that the primary reason for starting a business should not be, for example, self-glory, money, independence, or a great opportunity. The primary reason for starting a business should be because it is the will of God.

The above text reinforces this reality. The writer of the book of Psalms pointed out that attempts to build anything that God is not building are futile.

Consider the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11), which was built to glorify man. The project was never completed. God judged the wrong motives of the project sponsors because they sought to build according to their will, not according to God’s will. Therefore they labored in vain.

The first and foremost question before starting any organization is, have you been authorized? In other words, do you have a divinely issued building permit? If not, your labor will be in vain.

Here is your business tip. Don’t start an organization for the purpose of seeking glory, fortune, influence, or independence. Motive is very important to God. The only right motive is to build according to the will and ways of God. Before starting any organization, humbly seek the Lord to discern his will. Make it your agenda to always seek to discern the will and ways of God and then align yourself accordingly. His will and his ways are discerned best by following the teaching of Scripture. There is no other foundation on which to build successful organizations.

Listen to Dr. Chester's presentation on:
Practics of Kingdom Business

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