Business Tips from a Biblical Worldview
Spiritual Reality Drives the Economy
And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. (2 Kings 6:17 NIV)  

What is the root of physical reality?  If you are biblically minded, you probably acknowledge that God is the source of physical reality.  And since God is a spirit being, the root of physical reality is spiritual reality.

This truth is illustrated in the above text. Elisha's house was surrounded by the Syrian army.  His servant reacted in fear.  But Elisha knew that what his servant saw with his eyes in the physical world was not a complete picture of reality.  So Elisha asked the Lord to open his servants eyes so that he could see the spiritual reality behind the physical reality.  The Lord responded to Elisha's prayer and opened his servant's eyes to see the Lord's army surrounding the Syrian army.  

A more complete view of reality recognizes the existence of God as the Creator and Sustainer of all His universe, including the economy. 

Given this truth, it is incumbent on us to seek to understand the spiritual dynamics that are at work driving the physical reality that we see.  Only then can we make wise decisions that deal with root issues to problems.  

This means that every economic problem is rooted in some spiritual reality. So if we want to prosper in God's creation, we need to learn His rules.  Hence, just as Elisha's servant did, we need to learn to see the spiritual reality that is at work behind every physical manifestation we see.

Here is your business tip: No matter the situation—management problem, personnel issue, financial difficulty, etc.—behind the physical reality is spiritual reality. Learn to discern the spiritual dynamics at work in any situation. This is the first step in gaining clarity about the reality of the situation and wisdom as to how to respond.

Listen to Dr. Chester's presentation on:
Spiritual Reality Drives the Economy
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